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Frequently Asked Questions

What is your book about?

Matt: First I'll direct you to the synopsis. Then I'll say it's about a man who gets himself confused between what he wants his country to be and what the country wants to be, along the way causing a lot of death, saving a lot of lives, and helping a lot of people become heroes in their own right.

What does "caligrean" mean?

Matt: Caligrean comes from Caligo, who is, when all is said and done, the master villain. He does not appear in this book, but the site will eventually encompass our other works so he will show up.

How long did it take to write Lesson of the Fuel?

Matt: Literally, years. Not only was it the first concept Eric worked on when we met in 1991, it was shelved and rewritten many times before the form you see now was finished. Eric and I actually had to be roommates for us to finish this story.

You've worked on this story for 15 years? Wow.

Matt: This story and other stories. At present, we have another novel well past the first draft stage, two more entering the second draft, and rough ideas of a handful of others. It took a while for us to get organized, what with college and other distractions, but those seem to have settled down. A bit.

Why is the book called Lesson of the Fuel?

Matt: I have to leave this one for Eric. All I know is that there's lines in Chapter 3 that reference the title. I think I know where in the book he actually has the lesson. It's got something to do with how quickly things burn up, and it's important because Sven ignores it at a crucial moment. By all the gods, Eric, edit this!

Posted by Matt on 2/7/2006: I always wondered about FAQ. Who asks these questions? Are they asked frequently? Now that I've written one, I think I know. "Frequently" means "the author is guessing you're gonna ask these questions and is pre-empting you save having to answer them later." I thought about putting a "Do you have a frequently asked question you'd like to see here?" But that doesn't make much sense. Anyway, if you have a question, and we decide it has been asked frequently, or often, or it's pertinent, or just plain good, then we'll edit this FAQ to include that. Feel free to question us at seruvus@caligrean.com or marrish@caligrean.com.