featured book


We're authors

This is our book. We like to be read. We're hoping you enjoy reading us. We think you'll have great fun. And when you're done reading, we welcome you to contact us or contribute.

More than just authors









We want to be published

This site is in support of our book. Above, we have offered samples of the first three chapters and a synopsis. We also have made an encyclopedia of our world, Marrishland, to help you understand the terms, culture and history of the world better. Finally, we've written numerous stories about the heroes and explorers of historical Marrishland, to give you a broader taste of the writing without giving away the entire book.

We welcome comments, suggestions and contacts. If you are an agent, editor or publisher and like what you see, please contact us. If you know an agent, editor or publisher who you think would be interested, please contact us or suggest this site to your friend.

Our readership spreads largely word of mouth, so feel free to link to caligrean.com from your site, and tell everyone you know about us! The more people who read us, the more likely (we feel) it is that we'll be published.

We thank you for coming to our site, and hope you enjoy what we have written.

— Eric Zawadzki and Matthew Schick