

We're authors

Just as the entries in this encyclopedia are shaped by the people who contributed them, so is a story shaped by its characters. Who are these characters and what drives them? Find out by reading the book.

More than just authors




Contributors Main Page

The encyclopedia is not the work of a single scholar. Nearly a dozen contributors draw on the resources of four different academic collections to write articles on subjects with which they are most familiar. Editorial direction is minimal, as all the contributors are qualified experts. Contributors simply choose topics that have not been covered, yet and submit articles.

Posted by Eric on 2/6/2006: Originally, I came up with the idea of making the stories and encyclopedia entries the product of authors from the Mar culture because Matt was worried that his stories would have inaccuracies in them. If Mar authors wrote the content on the site, then any inaccuracies or omisions are theirs and not ours, right?

Let me back up a bit. Matt and I do an equal amount of writing in our books, but we have different areas of specialization. Matt tends to create interesting characters and entertaining dialogue. Moreover, he can write about twice as much material as I can in the same period of time while saying four times as much. He just kind of overflows with ideas, producing material with reckless abandon. This speed does not generally lend itself to intense fact-checking, especially when many of the facts are located solely in my imagination.

This is what I do well. I can answer just about any question about Marrishland — even those I have never even considered — with almost unhesitating certainty. I am obsessed with the world as an orderly place, so I crave internal consistency. This doesn't mean I come up with all the ideas. Matt has more than his fair share. I just devote a lot of thought to keeping track of them all in order to make certain as few inconsistencies as possible crop up.

This is also why we chose the handles that we did. Matt chose Marrish — the god who created everything in the world without concern for the consequences. I chose Seruvus — the god who knows everything about the world and how every piece is related to every other piece. Matt comes up with a lot of ideas, and I just try to figure out how they fit into the world we have created. Matt writes almost all the short stories on this site with only a little input from me, so this can be quite challenging. When I find that I can't come up with any other explanation, it helps to be able to blame our characters.

Posted by Matt on 2/7/2006: Eric is the real encyclopedia here. If you have any questions about anything other than the book itself, or why the site looks like it does, ask him. If you ask me, I'll just ask him, so it'll be faster to just ask him. Heh. Eric has called me with brain spasms for simple things like the use of money in Rice's Wild, but his solutions always fit. Ah, and you can tell by the length of his notes versus mine to see who is really the more prolific.


— Weard Krag Arkum

— Weard Sigrath Brennan

— Weard Hakan Ebutor

— Weard Olga Fydelis

— Weard Leif Gesyk

— Weard Oda Kalidus

— Weard Gilda Kronas

— Weard Girdig Langat

— Domus Palus Collection

— Nightfire Tradition