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Weard Leif Gesyk

Weard Gesyk teaches Mar cultural history at Domus Palus Academy, where he has been an instructor for four years. He specializes in the history of Marrishland before Weard Darflaem. He is probably best-known for Kukul and the Erden, which explores the many differences between the cultures of the Kalkoraen medes and the wints of the Hundred Tribes. He is currently seeking elevation to the cyan of fifth-degree.

Contributed Articles:

— Domus Palus
— guider
— Arrival of the Mar Wints (ca. 4,000 A.C.) (History)
— Eslafeni and Ersvol (ca. 4,000 - 3,000 A.C.) (History)
— The Hundred Tribes (ca. 3,500 - 1,500 A.C.) (History)
— The God Wars (ca. 2,000 - 1,000 A.C.) (History)
— Rise of the Totanbeni (ca. 1,000 A.C. - 500 A.C.) (History)
— Totanbeni Empire (ca. 500 A.C. - 200 I.D.) (History)
— Arrival of the Kalkoraen Medes (ca. 1 I.D.) (History)
— Conversion of the Hundred Tribes (ca. 400 - 700 I.D.) (History)
— Kalkoraen Nation (ca. 700 - 1,000 I.D.) (History)
— Erden Revolt (ca. 710 I.D.) (History)
— Hundred Years' Peace (ca. 900 - Wainat 14, 998 I.D.) (History)
— Hammerfall War (Wainat 14, 998 - Belnat 20, 1,000 I.D.) (History)
— Birth of Mar Culture (ca. 500 - 1,000 I.D.) (History)
— Vangard's Rules of Governance (ca. 710 I.D.) (History)
— Dark Age of Marrishland (ca. 1,000 - 1,800 I.D.) (History)
— shadelshif
— totem


— Weard Krag Arkum

— Weard Sigrath Brennan

— Weard Hakan Ebutor

— Weard Olga Fydelis

— Weard Leif Gesyk

— Weard Oda Kalidus

— Weard Gilda Kronas

— Weard Girdig Langat

— Domus Palus Collection

— Nightfire Tradition