

We're authors

Marrishland has a long and violent history. Several civilizations have risen and fallen, here, and the book tells about events during one of the most turbulant periods - a period whose events determine whether a civilization survives or dies.

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Totanbeni and Kalkorae

Comprising the rise of the Totanbeni from the Hundred Tribes, the arrival of the Kalkoraen medes, and the ensuing wars.

A. Rise of the Totanbeni (ca. 1000 - 500 A.C.)
B. Totanbeni Empire (ca. 500 A.C. - 200 I.D.)
C. Arrival of the Kalkoraen Medes (1 I.D.)
  — 1. Battle of Strand (Wainat 39 - Heldnat 3, 1 I.D.)
  — 2. Kalkoraen Landing (Heldnat 4, 1 I.D.)
  — 3. Calm After the Storm (1 I.D.)

D. Kalkoraen Exploration (ca. 1 - 300 I.D.)
E. Kalkoraen Expansion (ca. 300 - 700 I.D.)
F. Conversion of the Hundred Tribes (ca. 400 - 700 I.D.)
G. Kalkoraen Nation (ca. 700 - 1000 I.D.)
   — 1. The Erden Revolt (ca. 710 I.D.)
   — 2. Hundred Years' Peace (ca. 900 - Wainat 14, 998 I.D.)
   — 3. Hammerfall War (Wainat 14, 998 - Belnat 20, 1000 I.D.)


— Outline

— Birth of Civilization

— Totanbeni and Kalkorae

— Early Mar History

— Discovery of Magic

— Mar Civil War

— The Mapmaker Race