

We're authors

The Mar have fought the Drakes for resources for centuries, but even the wizards fear those rare times when the Drakes organize an invasion. To better understand why, read the book.

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Goblins are needle-toothed carnivores with flattened noses and peat-colored skin. They are similar in size and shape to Mar, possessing two arms and legs with hands and opposable thumbs. Their eyes are not as sharp as a human's, and it is not even clear whether they have color vision. Goblins have extraordinarily sharp ears that allow them to track moving prey. While slower than humans in a sprint, they have far more stamina.

Goblins have adapted to live in virtually every environment in Marrisland, making tools and building communities with whatever raw materials are available. While there are no physical differences between the goblins of the Dead Swamps, those of the Morden Moors, and those who live north of the Fens of Reur, the cultural differences are marked. Southern goblins are clever but barbaric even by Drake standards. Central goblins are especially cowardly, seemingly unwilling to attack even mundanes unless they have superior numbers, and they are not above eating carrion or even resorting to canibalism. Northern goblins supplement their diets with wild rice, but they only eat humans and Drakes who possess qualities they desire to have for themselves.

(Overview contributed by Nightfire Tradition)


Goblins hunt in packs with whatever weapons they can find or make. Cautious hunters, goblins will always pursue the least dangeous available source of food, and they are notoriously prone to retreat in the face of even modest casualties. If faced with superior numbers or magic-wielders, goblins withdraw deeper into their territory. Against enemies who press forward with the intention of attacking their community, goblins fight a war of attrition, seeking to inflict as many casualties as possible while taking few of their own. If a force reaches the central community, the goblins fight fiercely even if outnumbered.

The best way to survive an encounter with goblins is to take advantage of their poor vision and natural caution. If the goblins are not as numerous as your own hunting party, a swift attack that wounds or kills several of their number before they can act will almost always drive them away. If the goblin is alone, it is almost certain he is a scout for a group of up to twenty others — more, if it's a war party. Unless you have superior numbers, it is imperative not to let a lone goblin escape to bring reinforcements.

If you are outnumbered and cannot trust that you have not already been detected, run. A quick sprint will leave the goblins behind you and buy you time. Use it to get out of their line of sight and seek cover and camouflage. The goblins will eventually catch up, but if you remain still and avoid attracting their attention, they won't be able to find you.

Goblins are often vulnerable to ambush, because they will almost always follow anyone they believe to be easy prey. Runners dressed brightly or shouting can sprint into an area where more Mar lie in wait. Unfortunately, tribes with members who survived such ambushes often recognize these tricks and don't fall for them.

(Tactics contributed by Weard Girdag Langat)


— Damnen

— Goblin

— Guer

— Insero

— Kalysut

— Kobold

— Konig Worms

— Ochre

— Suckmud Willow