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Marrishland has a long and violent history. Several civilizations have risen and fallen, here, and the book tells about events during one of the most turbulant periods - a period whose events determine whether a civilization survives or dies.

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Mar Civil War (ca. 2700 - 2800 I.D.)

It is unfortunate that historians sometimes decide to label a series of conflicts spanning a century a civil war, but calling it anything else would only confuse any students of history who studied the 28th century. The Mar Civil War was neither a single confrontation nor a confrontation primarily between groups of Mar.

As explained in the entry on The Rise of Magocracy, the early Marduxes' efforts to unite the diverse coastal city-states into a single country were largely successful, but Mar living in rural communities quickly grew to resent the magocrats who ruled them. By the end of the 27th century, the magocrats were often forced to put down small uprisings in these communities. These pocket rebellions flared up suddenly, were isolated to a single town or village, and always ended in the defeat of the mundanes. The local magocrats took survivors as slaves and sold their services to urban wizards. Not only did such slaves provide the rural magocrat with a modest income, it sent local troublemakers to places where even the mundanes largely had no gripe with the wizards.

Historians do not generally consider the pocket rebellions a part of the Mar Civil War. By almost all reckonings, this war begins with the Battle of Bleakfurd and ends at the beginning of the Marrishland Massacre.

(Contributed by Weard Gilda Kronas)

V. Mar Civil War (ca. 2700 - 2800 I.D.)

A. Battle of Bleakfurd (Belnat 2702 I.D.)
B. The Fraevyd Phase (ca. 2702 - 2715 I.D.)
C. Isensump Campaign and Aftermath (ca. 2715 - 2730 I.D.)
D. The Elrich Campaign (ca. 2730 - 2750 I.D.)
  — 1. Why Magic Did Not Matter (ca. 2700 - 2750 I.D.)

E. The Fygae Compact (ca. 2750 - 2765 I.D.)
F. Counterspell Campaign (ca. 2765 - 2778 I.D.)
G. Liter Asper Rebellion (ca. 2778 - 2785 I.D.)
H. Expulsion of the Fygae (ca. 2785 - 2790 I.D.)
I. The Council of Isnel and the Shortest Peace (ca. 2790 - Weardnat 1, 2796 I.D.)


— Outline

— Birth of Civilization

— Totanbeni and Kalkorae

— Early Mar History

— Discovery of Magic

— Mar Civil War

— The Mapmaker Race