

We're authors

Despite their relative poverty, the Mar have a complex culture of storytelling. Theirs are tales of gods and heroes, monsters and villains, and comic archetypes. Find out more by reading the book.

More than just authors





The Mar worship a complex pantheon of deities and heroes. To the Mar, every star in the night sky is the guiding soul of a dead hero, and every mote of myst is the soul of an ordinary Mar who guards his descendants even after death. Mar religious stories often blur the lines between god and mortal, demigod and hero. A hero might be a god or demigod in the tales of his home village but a mere mortal in stories told elsewhere. Given the miracles worked in answer to prayers to a star, it is not suprisinging the distinction between the two is often confused by less educated Mar.

The difference between a heroic mortal or demigod (i.e. the offspring of a deity and a mortal) and a god is that deities have no mortal identity. One does not become a god. Weard Darflaem is a blazing star in the sky, but even his amazing deeds could not elevate him beyond his mortality.

There are eleven known deities in the Mar pantheon — Marrish, Dinah, Sendala, Niminth, Domin, Sendala, Fraemauna, Cedar, Seruvus, Swind, and Heliotosis. It is possible that members of the pantheon have coupled and produced more deities, but if there are other gods, they have not yet revealed themselves to the Mar.

Marrish is known by many names, among them the Lord of Wind and Fire, the Father of the Gods, and the Lord of Magic. While many outsiders regard him as the Mar thunder god, this is a highly over-simplified description of him. Marrish is the god of wizards, the creator of the universe, and the patron of all Mar. At the beginning of time, he created Dinah to be his wife, and she brought forth the whole of creation by his loins. Marrish is known for his dalliances with other goddesses and even mortal women, many of which resulted in the birth of lesser gods and of Mar who would go on to become great heroes. These liaisons have made Marrish's marriage a rocky one.

Dinah is the first creation of Marrish and also his wife. Calling her an earth goddess makes her sound far more nurturing than Mar mythology has made her. There is a long-standing tension between the two which resulted from Marrish's illicit sexual liaisons. After a particularly messy affair, Dinah pulled out all her hair and cast it down, and where it landed, the Drakes sprang up to avenge her upon her husband by destroying his people, the Mar. For this reason, she is often called the Bald Goddess. Even now, she works constantly to destroy the Mar with drakes, as well as with any number of diseases, parasites, and other earthly hazards collectively known as Dinah's Curse. She has made Marrishland a land where it is difficult to survive, slaying many Mar, but making the Mar stronger at the same time. She is responsible for the pain associated with childbirth, bringing agony to those who obey the creative instinct Dinah finds so frustrating in Marrish. She also takes great care to punish men who are unfaithful in their vows to their wives, curbing the chaotic instincts of procreation with sexual plagues and sudden, mysterious death.

Sendala and Niminth are moon deities. Sendala is the goddess of the blue moon that bears her name, and Niminth is the god of the green moon that bears his. They are twin fertility deities and also lovers. Each of their astronomical liaisons — which take place for a couple days every two months — is believed to create the vital force within the Mar which allows them to father and bear children.

Domin is also a moon god, though his moon is invisible in the sky except as a black disc that blots out other celestial bodies. Domin is the God of Death, the God of Darkness, and the God of the Dark Voice. Domin is the most feared god of the entire pantheon, being blamed for most of the worst events in Mar history. Since Marrish gave magic to the Mar, he has counted Dinah as his ally.

Fraemauna is the goddess of the yellow moon. She is the Goddess of Wisdom, for although she is younger than all the other gods and goddesses, she is gifted with a wisdom greater than that of the other gods. Fraemauna favors patient learning, but she also appreciates sudden leaps of genius. She has long been considered the guardian of scholars and especially of Nightfire, who, according to legend, is the descendant of she and Marrish.

Cedar is the Mar god of plants, game animals, and harvest. While he is under the direct command of Dinah, he takes such joy in creating life that he often works indirectly in Marrish's favor. Dinah forgives him this because the two are secret lovers. He enjoys the liaison because, by fertilizing her loins, Cedar participates in the act of creation. He tries to emulate Marrish's creative energy, but shuns the Father God's violent outbursts, preferring to create without destroying. Dinah maintains the relationship because it satisfies her own gently creative instinct while spiting Marrish at the same time. Cedar is beloved by the Mar, for he provides the food plants which feed the people and the animals those people eat.

Seruvus is the god of water. He is the mediator in the disputes between the gods and goddesses, serving all of them and none. Seruvus is the only omniscient god, water being present in every part of Marrishland. Seruvus's most important role in the Mar pantheon is to oversee oaths and promises, and for this reason, he is also known as the Oathbinder.

Her (pronounced the same as hair) is the goddess of the sun. As a goddess of light, Her is often called upon by those who wish to lead and teach others by example. She is also a goddess of beauty and of beautiful things — animate or otherwise — and of vanity.

Heliotosis and Swind are wind gods, though they are also associated with the seasons. Heliotosis is the merciless god of the north wind who brings the harsh chill of winter to Marrishland. Swind, his brother, is the nurturing god of the south wind who thaws the ground, bearing summer on his back. Both are eager champions of their favorite seasonal weather patterns, and where they meet, Marrishland often arrives to settle the dispute between them.

(Contributed by Weard Olga Fydelis)


— Calendar

— Clothing

— Fraemauna

— Governance

— Law

— Magocrat

— Mapmaker

— Mardux

— Marsord

— Naming Conventions

— Niminth

— Pantheon

— Sendala